Thank you for visiting the ReelClean website!
I have serviced fishing reels (and built a few rods) since the late 1980’s when I actually had time to go fishing! I have always been a Daiwa/ABU stalwart, but in 2010 Daiwa started to introduce “Magseal” to their range of flagship reels. I resisted the urge to buy any of the Certates after 2007 because of Daiwa’s refusal to sell the magoil to anyone, but grabbed a 2010 ‘tate (the best series of reels from any manufacturer IMHO) to work on the magseal problem.
After much research I deduced that Daiwa were using Ferrotec oils (and Daiwa subsequently purchased a shareholding in Ferrotec) so after analysis and deduction of the variant of oil that they were using I decided to start a business and specialize in the repair and replenishment of Magseals on Daiwa reels. Besides servicing my own reels, I discovered that local fisho’s and tackle stores were growing tired of sending reels south for service (from Darwin it was 2 weeks just for return postal service, let alone service department delays) and appreciated a repair turnaround of about a week (sometimes days) rather than 4-8 weeks!
Thus ReelClean came to be, and I have been servicing, repairing and upgrading reels since then in Darwin, Toowoomba and now in the FNQ region. I have customers from Mornington and Horn Is, Gove, Weipa, Innisfail and the Tablelands that mail their reels to me for repair and service, so distance is no barrier!
Please have a wander around the evolving website, and leave a comment or use the contact form if you need some assistance.
Thanks for stopping by, look forward to maintaining your gear for you.
Please check out the recent posts on the right for the latest blog!
Cheers and tight lines!