Back in early 2015 (after extensive research) I deduced that Daiwa was, in fact, using magnetic fluid manufactured by Ferrotec. After further research and consideration of the characteristics of the range of Ferrotec fluids I chose APG L11 as a suitable oil to replace the Daiwa Magseals and Mag bearings. Subsequently it was established that Globeride International (the parent company of Daiwa) has a shareholding in Ferrotec Japan. Further enquiry by another repairer with Ferrotec in the U.S. resulted in this observation:
“Their chemists seem to think there would be no reason why the APG L11 class ferrofluid wouldn’t work to lubricate magnetic ball bearings.
They did mention they produce a class of ferrofluid especially for this which is very similar almost identical in makeup and ingredients to the APG L11 fluid.
I wonder if they’re referring to the fluid they manufacture for Daiwa?”
From that chance conversation I was reasonably confident that the fluid I have been using since 2015 is at the very least equivalent to the genuine Daiwa fluid. The original Magseal fluid was likely hydrocarbon based (given the reports of the solvent evaporating in the bottles at the Daiwa service centres), so Magoil before the 2013 series Certates had a tendency to degrade in VERY short order (even on the shelf in the shop). Since then I suspect that they changed to a synthetic base, because Magseals from that time on have proven to be more robust.
Magoil is NOT a lifetime product, it will degrade over time (maybe 3-5yrs in ideal conditions) and eventually turns into a rusty mess. This is due to it’s ingredients: it is basically some derivative of magnetite (which rusts almost instantly when immersed in salt water) coated with a surfactant (to prevent the magnetic particles from coalescing and forming that rusty mess) suspended in an oil base of some kind (preferably synthetic). Synthetic oils just take far longer to oxidise and degrade compared to hydrocarbon based oil.
At some stage in it’s life the reel WILL suffer from this magoil degradation and then WILL suffer from water penetration past the now non-existant seal. If your reel is more than a few years old the magoil may have been lost. Be especially careful with the Magsealed bearings in the line roller of Saltiga’s and the like. If these seize then a Magbearing replacement (and it’s a non-standard size – 5x9x4mm) is approx. AUD$60 from Daiwa. Fortunately I am able to supply a mod kit for these that allows a conventional bearing to be used, for the paltry sum of $15! If magoil bearings are still rolling, they SOMETIMES can be cleaned out, regreased and magoil replenished, however there are no guarantees if corrosion has set in.
Use the contact form if you have any questions, happy to advise!